Hospitality Team Members

Door Holder:

You are the hands, feet and voice of Christ. Should be stationed OUTSIDE the main doors upstairs and downstairs. Have umbrella in hand on rainy days. Be ready to kindly open a door for guests under the portico. Point first time guests to our convenient guest parking spaces.
Go the "second mile" (Matthew 5:41)


You are the hands, feet and voice of Christ. Friendly greeting inside the door. Hand bulletin. Make guests aware of why we print them, upcoming activities, Sermon outline, etc. See needs, babies, children, elderly, etc. and point out signage, offer suggestions / assistance to where they might be looking to go.
Go the "second mile" (Matthew 5:41)

Welcome Desk Host / Hostess:

You are the hands, feet and voice of Christ. Be prepared to answer any questions about upcoming events, the next Beginning Point and Next Step, “Where can I sign up for?” Point out signage or pair up guest with someone who might be looking for restrooms, kids point area or nursery. Have welcome packet and gift ready for first time guests.
Go the "second mile" (Matthew 5:41)

Cafe Worker:

You are the hands, feet and voice of Christ. Provide a comforting smile and welcome. Offer donuts, special home-made treat and pour them their first cup of coffee. Often something warm in their hands offers comfort. If possible, introduce them to someone else. Invite them to sit and enjoy the fellowship.
Go the "second mile" (Matthew 5:41)


You are the hands, feet and voice of Christ. Be present and aware in the foyer and Welcome Center areas. Offer guidance to families with young children, ready to walk them to Kids Point and Nursery areas. Point out the Café and offer to help serve them even though it seems like it’s obvious. If a new guest, ask if they are here with someone and offer to help find seats. Walk with them to the others they are meeting or find them open seating if not.
Go the "second mile" (Matthew 5:41)

Important for ALL Team Members

- Be in position 30 minutes prior to the start of the service, wedding, funeral service, etc
- Stay at your post until the service begins or the Worship Center is empty. (some will need to stay at post even after Service begins to welcome already nervous late arrivers)
- Focus on the task that you’ve volunteered for. (You guys are rockstars and your service is glorifying to God!)
- Please don’t “huddle” together and cause a feeling of unwelcome because of not wanting to disturb your conversation.
- Even after entering the Worship Center, be aware of guests and go to offer them a welcome and one last check of anything they might need.
- Intentionally apprentice someone else. (let them shadow you and see what it is that you really do each week!)
- See our facility and your space through the eyes of the guests. (please be critical, we want to WOW with our cleanliness and order. God deserves our best)
- Share your observations and ideas with Jeff. (so that we can get better and better each time)

3 Expectations and Questions for the LVCC Hospitality Ministry

Expectation #1: Put yourself in the shoes of the guest
* Try to pick up their vibe and then greet them accordingly. Some people are friendly and some will prefer anonymity.
* Think about how your words sound to guests.
* Be welcoming.... and SMILE!
* If possible, introduce the guest to someone else as well.

Ask this Question: If I knew that my un-churched friend was coming today, what would I change or do? Do my phrases or interactions tell a guest what to do or expect next?


Expectation #2: Determine the Need

When you engage with a guest, you move from a CORDIAL to PERSONAL.
* Be engaged, focused on the moment and on each person in that moment.
* Pay attention to little things (do they have children, what ages, were they invited or did they just walk in).
* Listen first...speak later.
* Don’t assume that people understand our terminology (Christianese, Valley talk)
* Be ready to act based on what you discover. (“It’s my pleasure...Let me take you to...”)
* Follow up after service (or sooner / did you find everything you needed?) when appropriate.
* Acknowledge special needs... elevator, nearby bathrooms, etc.

Ask this Question: Am I present in each conversation and interaction with the guest?


Expectation #3: Go Above and Beyond / Show them what LVCC is really like!

We have something REALLY special here! Adequate often defines our expectation and many of our experiences. Adequate isn’t bad. We get what we need. The experience just isn’t anything to write home about. Adequate isn’t memorable.
* They may expect average...let’s show them excellence.
* They may expect hypocrisy...let’s show them authenticity.
* They may expect judgment...let’s show them grace.
* They may expect chaos...let’s show them order and organization.
A memorable experience isn’t just a first impression, it’ll leave a lasting impression.
The unexpected is memorable and we want their visit with us to be memorable.

* Should start in the parking lot, and end in the parking lot.
* Don’t point them there...Take them there. (GFS model)
* “Is there anything else I can do to help you today?”
* Do what it takes to make it comfortable / right / welcoming for our guests.

Ask this Question: Did I exceed people’s expectations? Did I show them what LVCC is really all about? Was it memorable? Was my first impression a lasting impression? Did I/we, as a team, create a “WOW!” moment for the guest?